Use E, S, D, F to move around and Shift to dash. If you don't dash enough, don't collect coins quick enough, or hit vines, you'll die! if you do, press Q to reset the game!

The theme for this mini 4 hours jam was "Moving on".
Moving on can mean moving on with life and what better way to describe this than by having to survive at a fast pace?
The diversifier I was assigned was "Sticky Fingers". It meant that I had to implement the fact that my character loses health when there's no input from the player. Don't let go of your controller, you might lose!

The combination of those concepts made me think about hummingbirds. There's a myth around them about how they would die if they'd stop flying. It is obviously false. However, this can lead to a pretty interesting mechanic: you can't stop moving fast, or you lose. In this game, you play as a gracious hummingbird that needs to collect Nectar. If you stop dashing around for too long, you lose, so be careful with your movements and zoom through levels, collecting Nectar along the way and avoiding obstacles.

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